"Few people understand what it is like to live with ME/CFS. Trying to explain it to others can be exhausting and frustrating. I just found your wonderful article on ME/CFS in Healthcare which describes the physical, the psychological, and the social effects of this illness with compassion and clarity. It’s exactly what so many people, especially providers, need to hear. I will be recommending it widely."
MDPI Healthcare Article Abstract:
People who are severely and very severely affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) experience profound suffering. This suffering comes from the myriad of losses these patients experience, the grief that comes from these losses, the ongoing stigma that is often experienced as a person with a poorly understood, controversial chronic illness, and the trauma that can result from how other people and the health care community respond to this illness. This review article examines the suffering of patients with ME/CFS through the lens of the Fennell Four-Phase Model of chronic illness. Using a systems approach, this phase framework illustrates the effects of suffering on the patient and can be utilized to help the clinician, patient, family, and caregivers understand and respond to the patient’s experiences. We highlight the constructs of severity, uncertainty, ambiguity, and chronicity and their role in the suffering endured by patients with ME/CFS. A composite case example is used to illustrate the lives of severely and very severely affected patients. Recommendations for health care providers treating patients with ME/CFS are given and underscore the importance of providers understanding the intense suffering that the severely and very severely affected patients experience.
ME/CFS and the Fennell Four Phase Model:
Fennell’s Four-Phase Model is useful for defining and describing four phases that occur in ME/CFS. This model has been thoroughly developed over the last several decades through clinical encounters, patient testimonies, and empirical research. The model explicitly captures the changing experience of patients over time in all domains of their lives — their physical, psychological, and social-interactive worlds.
The full text of our Healthcare article contains a section describing the course of ME/CFS using the Four-Phase Model to help illustrate how patients present in the physical-behavioral, the psychological, and the social-interactive domains during each phase of the model. The general description of the three domains in each phase includes a table outlining its characteristics. A composite case history illustrates how these generalizations manifest in actual patients, focusing on those who are severely and very severely affected.
By serving as a narrative or cognitive map, the phase description helps to lessen the intense fear and anxiety frequently experienced by the severe and very severely affected ME/CFS patients and their families. It will also help them to know they are not alone, their experience is shared by others, and they are understood. They now have a method of validating their experiences and making them known to others. The narrative helps them develop a sense of what is happening to them and provides a degree of order and coherency about their illness experience. In addition, the mapping aspect of the phase process helps promote understanding and adjustment to the cognitive impairments in concentration, memory, and decision making that often affect those with ME/CFS.
How Health Care Professionals Can Help
Severely and very severely affected patients suffer profoundly. For health care professionals to adequately treat their patients, they need to understand all that composes and creates their suffering: struggling with uncertainty, ambiguity, chronicity, stigmatization, trauma, and rejection. These elements create losses for the patient, and they subsequently grieve these many and varied losses, including lost friends, family, career, and life as they knew it (or imagined it). Not only do the patients grieve their losses and traumas, but so do the loved ones around them — spouses, parents, and children. Thus, to assess and treat, the suffering must first be described, understood, witnessed, and, most importantly, abided. Please see our full article in Healthcare for a list of important things health care professionals can do to help, in addition to the medical protocols.
- Read the full article: "Elements of Suffering in MyalgicEncephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Experience of Loss, Grief,Stigma, and Trauma in the Severely and Very Severely Affected"
- Read more: Fennell Four Phase Model
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Contributed by Jennifer Howard |